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Great Schools, Clean Streams

New Castle County DE

About Great Schools, Clean Streams Great Schools, Clean Streams is New Castle County's annual environmental awareness campaign. Sponsored by the Department of Public Works, our goal is to help residents do their part to keep our waterways clean and safe, prevent plumbing problems at home, and support their local school system. […]

Rain Barrel Pick-up

Glasgow Park 2275 Pulaski Highway, Newark

New Castle County residents who have pledge to be a Clean Stream Champion can purchase discounted rain barrels!  You must register to pick-up a rain barrel. Upcoming pickup dates and locations: November 21 at Glasgow Park

Rain Barrel Pick-Up

New Castle County residents who have pledge to be a Clean Stream Champion can purchase discounted rain barrels!  You must register to pick-up a rain barrel. Upcoming pickup dates and locations: Middle Run Natural Area:  Help plant at the Middle Run Tree Planting and pick-up your rain barrel!