Thank you to all the Clean Stream Champions that took advantage of the discount rain barrel program this spring. We were astounded by the turnout and are proud to announce that we’ve provided over 400 discount rain barrels to date! We are proud of the New Castle County residents that came out to claim their barrel, but we do have one burning question: Have you set up your rain barrel yet?

Photo Credit: R. Coleman
If you haven’t, stay with us a moment, and know that everyone’s been there. A bold fashion choice purchased on impulse that hangs in your closet, unworn. Fresh produce purchased in excess because it looks too good to pass up that ends up spoiling in your fridge. A rain barrel that can save you money and help the environment, but sits in your garage…you get my point.
We’re here to say: Today is the day! This is your weekend! Each rain barrel came with all the necessary pieces for assembly and by the next time it rains you can be doing your part to conserve water and limit stormwater run-off. Just one 50-gallon rain barrel can save up to 1,150 gallons every year. If all 420 Clean Stream Champions who took advantage of the program assembled their rain barrels, that would mean saving up to 480,000 gallons by June 2022!
So breath in the fresh, summer air, pick a spot, and start assembling. If you’re feeling particularly excited about your rain barrel, we’d love to see! You can share your photos with us by sending them to support@cleanstreamchampion.org and we might just feature them on the Clean Stream Champion website. If you need even MORE inspiration, check out the featured pictures of New Castle County rain barrels in action.
Haven’t purchased a rain barrel yet and want to? Sign up to be a Clean Stream Champion to be alerted for the summer sales!